Entrepreneurship & Self-Employment

Phase 1: Taking It All In

Service members change jobs or relocate as frequently as every 2 to 3 years. As a military spouse, you may wonder how you can start, grow within, or maintain your own career as you move with your service member. Your education, skills, training, and experience are valuable assets, and you don’t want to marginalize or waste them – the good news is, you don’t have to! The first step in building and maintaining a successful career is taking stock of your goals and the resources and opportunities available to you.

Phase 1: Taking It All In


Milestone 2: Plug into the virtual and/or local community

As you manage your home and family through multiple deployments and/or relocations, you may begin to think of yourself as an island. You will start to depend on yourself, which is a good thing. But having a mentor, someone who has walked the path before you, can make your journey much easier. Connecting with and maintaining a relationship with a mentor, while building and strengthening your professional network, is actually vital to your career success. Fortunately, opportunities to find mentorship and build networks exist online and in person. Both of these options can help you build connections, find answers to your questions, and navigate the many resources that may assist you as you begin and advance in your career.

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Seek peers who have similar experiences

The military is a small community that spans the globe. The longer you are part of the military community, the more likely it is that you will know someone – or know someone who knows someone – who has had a similar experience. Leverage your own network of military spouses as you consider the different possibilities for your future. And, when you’re feeling like nothing ever stumps you or stops you anymore, pay it forward and consider mentoring other military spouses.

Female Photographer Quote

“I wouldn’t doubt myself for a second that I can be a family photographer, because you have a bazillion military spouses who are family photographers. … If there were IT program managers left and right on every single base, yeah, I would be like ‘yeah I can do that.’”

2019 Military Spouse Survey Respondent

Have You Made New Connections?

Locate possible professional mentors who demonstrate desired success

One day you’re thinking “I’ve got this!” and the next you’re wondering if your chosen career or profession is a good fit for you. What better way to figure it out than by speaking with an individual already in that role? By seeking out and connecting with a professional mentor, you’ll receive valuable insight into your chosen field, and understand the necessary steps to achieve a similar type of career success. You do have this, but take the assist and get there faster!

Real Life Snapshot Photo

Real World Snapshot

One military spouse shares that when she considers a career path, “I find the person that is doing the same thing I want to do and go ask that person how they got there and the mistakes they made. That’s why things like LinkedIn are so important because you can find these industry leaders that you have a connection with somehow and get a referral to them and get in contact.  People are usually more than willing to help out.”

Have You Found a Mentor?

Build a network

Expand and diversify your professional network by tapping into your local, military, and online communities to connect with others who work in your desired career field. Target individuals, groups, and organizations that are committed to supporting the careers of the military-connected community.

Man at a Military Spouse Event

“My personal experience goes with participating in networking events. The experience helped me reach out to new business leaders, local networking, discover new employment opportunities in the area that include certification and career development and at last decided to participate in the Hiring our Heroes Military Spouse Fellowship Program.”

2019 Military Spouse Survey Respondent

Have You Started Building Your Network?

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Next Phase

Up Next: Phase 2: Prioritizing Professional Options